Award-winning writer from Michigan’s other mitten.
Words about wild places, tough people, and odysseys of all kinds.
Essays and Narratives
High Desert Journal → Mister *
Tech Magazine → Redefining Tenacity **
LitHub → Searching for Moby-Dick
Tech Magazine → The Artemis Generation
Twelve Winters → Bear Aware
Tech Magazine → Canis Spritus
Michigan Tech News → Home Ice Advantage
Camas → El Camino
*nominated for Best American Essays
**winner of 2 CASE Awards
Book Reviews
Modern Huntsman, Vol. 13 → Poetry by Noah Davis, Todd Davis, and Sage Marshall
Modern Huntsman, Vol. 12 → A Hunter’s Road by Jim Fergus
Modern Huntsman, Vol. 11 → Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Modern Huntsman, Vol. 10 → Goodbye to a River by John Graves
Modern Huntsman, Vol. 9 → American Wolf by Nate Blakeslee
Freeflow Podcast → Interview with Chris La Tray
Freeflow Podcast → Interview with Hal Herring (part 1 & part 2)
Freeflow Podcast → Interview with Nora Saks
Freeflow Podcast → Interview with David James Duncan (part 1 & part 2)
Tell Us Something → Mister (live storytelling and interview)
Confluence → MFA student spotlight (interview)